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Source of Islamic Law

  1. Al Qur’an. It is The Holly Book of Islam. It contains philosophy, principles, and theories of Islamic laws, which are work of Allah for the guidance of mankind. It mainly prescribes permanent, absolute, values and basic principles of Islamic laws. 

  2. Al-Hadiths. It is the authentic practice of Prophet Muhammad (the saying, actions, habits, and approvals) that explains in detail the application of the Qur’an principles.

  3. Ijma Sahabat. It is the consensus of the opinion of the sahabat (companions of the prophet Muhammad based on their understanding of The Al Qur’an and Al Hadiths).

  4. Qiyas. It is a law making method by comparing thing with cases already explained in Al Qur’an and Al Hadiths. 

  5. Fatwa. It is Islamic legal opinion about law status of a certain case made by Ulama (Islamic Scholars).

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